I will not call you on the telephone, unless it’s an extreme and dire emergency. You are responsible for checking your e-mail every day during the semester. I check my e-mail once or twice a day, but I do not remain on my e-mail 24/7; thus, don’t e-mail questions at the last minute (or middle of the night) and expect immediate answers.
Also make sure that your messages to me are LITERATE. I'm an English teacher who doesn't appreciate, in the classroom setting, lower case "i," incomplete sentences, "textise," misspelled words, incorrect grammar, computer abbreviations, and other cutesy affectations, such as "Hiya, prof." I will take your questions and concerns more seriously if your message is well-written and professional.
In addition, I will need to e-mail, on a regular basis, the entire class. For these mass e-mail messages, I will not be e-mailing each student individually; I will be setting up an address list in my Yahoo! address book for each class and sending mass messages in that manner. Most of you have already been assigned a college e-mail address, and that is the main address I will use, but I ask that you also submit to me a commercial e-mail address (such as Gmail, EarthLink, Yahoo!, AOL, etc.), which I will add to the class address list. Yahoo! now offers a free unlimited space email address, quite generous and sufficient for class needs. That way, in case of YCP outages, we can still remain in contact, especially during crucial times.
Note: Recently, spam filters on commercial e-mails, especially AOL, have become especially powerful; as a consequence, your service may refuse my e-mails. I recommend that you add my email address to your address book. In any case, I am not responsible if you don’t receive your e-mail messages from me, and I will not accept this as an excuse. Also, I recommend that you add my e-mail address to both your YCP and commercial address books.
In any case, if you have not yet done so already, you should sign up for a YCP e-mail address. If you’re not sure of your e-mail status, check with the computer center.
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