Your two literary journal submissions must be submitted on time for potential full credit.
If you anticipate being absent when a literary journal is due, you are still responsible for making sure that your work is submitted as an e-mailed attachment (MS Word) and on time. Absenteeism is no excuse for late work (See Section III for more information about literary journal submissions).
2. Unit Tests/Final Exam. (0-100 points each) (See section IV of this packet.) You MUST take all unit tests and the final on the scheduled dates. Failure to take a unit test and/or final exam will result in a grade of "0" for the missed test or exam, for I do not offer makeup test/final exam opportunities. Of the five graded pieces (two literary journal submissions, two unit tests, and one final exam), I will be dropping the lowest grade. Thus, I recommend strongly that you make every effort to do all graded activities so that in the event of an emergency or a low test grade, you will have that extra cushion.
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