I have placed the following books on reserve (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje [Macedonia], Department of Philology):
Bernays, Anne and Pamela Painter. What If? Writing Exercises for Creative WritersYou are NOT required to buy these books; they are for your use and reference, for now and in the future.
Hazuka, Tom, Denise Thomas, and James Thomas (Editors). Flash Fiction: 72 Very Short Stories
Jason, Philip K. and Allan B. Lefcowitz, Creative Writer's Handbook, 2nd Edition.
Masih, Tara. Field Guide to Writing Flash Fiction
Semple Siegel, Jennifer.Are You EVER Going to be Thin? (and other stories)
Tobias, Ronald. 20 Master Plots and How to Build Them
Whiteley, Carol. The Everything Creative Writing Book
I will soon be adding additional reference books about creative writing to the general collection. When I do, I'll let you know.