358 - 400 = 89.5 - 100: Final grade = 4
338 - 357 = 84.5 - 89.25: Final grade = 3.5
318 - 337 = 79.5 - 84.25: Final grade = 3
298 - 317 = 74.5 - 79.25: Final grade = 2.5
274 - 297 = 68.5 - 74.25: Final grade = 2
238 - 273 = 59.5 - 68.25: Final grade = 1
0 - 237 = 0 - 59.25: Final grade = 0
*For 4 or more absences, 5 points for each absence will be deducted from your raw points; therefore, part of your final grade is contingent upon regular attendance.
Rounding up has been built into the conversion table; for example, four items, equaling 358 points total, would average out to 89.5, and, thus, would be rounded up to a 4. An 89.25 is a 3.5 and will remain a 3.5. Sorry, but the line has to be drawn somewhere.
This course may be available on a pass/fail basis; please check the college catalogue for details. Be sure that you understand the advantages and disadvantages of pass/fail before selecting this option. Also, if this course is required for your major, check with your advisor before selecting a pass/fail option, for it may not be allowable for you.
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