
Based on the text of the excerpt from The African Garden, write a poem, any style, called “Gassed.” Be aware that (in the play) “gassed” can offer two meanings: in the 1960's, being tear gassed during protests and riots AND/OR having one’s hair “gassed” for straightening purposes.
The following poem, written by V.I., is the result of the above exercise:
Gas fills their hair,___________________________________________
Gas fills their lungs,
Yet their heads remain unbowed
Before destiny and each scar,
For they know who they were,
For they know how black they are.
This poem is based on an excerpt from The African Garden, by Alice Childress
V.I. is a third-year English Language and Literature student in the Faculty of Philology at Ss Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje.
This poem is copyright 2009, by V.I., and may not be reposted or published without permission from the poet.