
1. Develop a Broad Topic. Find an interesting controversial issue (Issue Essay) or a problem that needs to be solved (Call-to-Action Essay):
2. Narrow your focus. Develop a specific research question so that you can cover the issue or call-to-action in 500-700 words:
3. Research your issue first on Wikipedia and then other sources. What have you found to help support your topic? Please include website names and links:
4. Assuming that your preliminary search proves that your topic is viable, consider the issue (Issue Essay) or solution to the problem (Call-to-Action Essay) from several perspectives:
5. Develop your thesis. Take a position (Issue Essay) or propose a solution (Call-to-Action Essay) by answering your original research question (#2):
6. Define your purpose for writing the essay (other than the essay has been assigned to you):
7. Define your audience:
8. Counterarguments: List every possible counterargument to your viewpoint (Issue Essay) or alternative solutions (Call- for-Action Essay) and think about how you might recognize, refute and/or accommodate them: